Day 1 again

I slipped yesterday. I was doing so well.. ihate myself today and the anxiety that come with it


Hi Kyle. Please don't hate yourself. Choose love: forgive yourself. You'll obtain better results.

Take deep breaths. Cry. Scream. Get some rest.

You've done well in the past. Now you can do well again.


smartrecovery org been around for 25 years might be a great idea to see what they have

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If I slipped once I slipped a thousand times,like a old Interlude that has a patch for each time I slipped, there are few original places to put a new patch,

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Thank u i appreciate your kind words

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Is this a rehab ?

You’re welcome.

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I'm with ya .. im pissed qt myself and the anxiety is killing me. I ve been up since 130am qnd can't go back to sleep

How are you today Kyle?

Hey Kyle, you slipped, but hopefully you can learn from that experience to not fall down again! Hope you are doing well today!


Hey Kyle, I know how you feel...iv been there thousands of times..deep breaths my friend. one is perfect. Today is a new day, you can make new choices and begin again.


Day 4 sober .. feeling good!!!

Hey do not hate yourself
I have been there. Let it go and Thank God that you
can start over. ONE DAY at a time. Sometimes it takes one minute but we can do this! :pray:t3::v:

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Don't ever say you hate your self. There are a total of two people that I love on this app and your one of them. How could you possibly hate such an amazing Person. You only slipped its OK get back up and try again. I love you

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You slipped don't be so hard on yourself it happens to all of us

I’m here for you ... a hand to hold so you don’t slip