Day 1 (again)

Day 1 (again….)

No alcohol in the house so I suppose that is a win for today

I need a hobby

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Hey at least you came back. That means something... that you want to do this... not many have that opportunity to make it to another 24 hours following a relapse.. I'm one of those that almost didn't make it. Take it one day at a time!

A a .org

Meeting will help .90&90 meet people.

Welcome back Paul!!! You say you need a hobby. David already gave you a hobby 90 meetings in 90 days. Then after that you can work on another hobby. Meeting makers make it.

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it is absolutely a win!!! some people never get to day 1 ever once addiction grabs them. you should be very proud of yourself! even if you slip again, who cares. have another day 1. as many as it takes until you don’t care how many days it’s been, even if that takes a lifetime. even one day of freedom is better than zero!

I wouldn't want to be in your shoes. Starting over sucks, doesn't it?
Question: Why are you quitting? I mean, you must have saw some sort of advantage to picking up again the last time. Could it be that you believed the lie? That this time it would get better?

You have to play the scene forward. It's a vicious cycle.
It only gets worse. Sweets help curb cravings. Honey and OJ.
Get busy and get to 90 meetings in 90 days.
Don't screw around and make excuses! You either want sobriety or you don't.
I've been sober a long time and I can tell you life is much easier than it used to be.
AA meetings, sponsor, 12 Steps.

Also, Kelly above is right on.

Look at all the support you've been given. You got this!! I believe you can do this