Dang it.. Day 1 again but I know what triggered

Dang it.. Day 1 again but I know what triggered me so I need to work on overcoming that.. any words of encouragement would be great..


It sucks to have to start over. But, you did it before, and you can do it again!

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Just remember today’s the day you figure out that booze is a big lie
I cannot have the first drink and neither can you
Just like Michael Jackson said
“You are not alone “
God bless and stay sober

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Hi Madison. Many don't figure out the trigger; let alone work on it soon. Give yourself kudos for figuring it out. That's smart.

Great job on not giving up. :tada:

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You got this. Good news is now you know a trigger, so you know what to avoid.

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Whatever that trigger is , I recommend shaking up your daily routine so that you avoid this trigger at all costs . It’s imperative that you build up some sober time so that when you face the trigger again , it’s easier to handle and not drink . Sober days are like days going to the gym . Each sober day builds mental/emotional strength so that we can better navigate all the things life throws at us . If nothing changes .... nothing changes .

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Keep the desire to want to truly stop, keep that faith you can & will. Believe in your “why” you need to stop & “why” you get triggered on what triggers you, then take those baby steps to overcome that trigger or those triggers & don’t dwell on your downfalls for we all have them. We’re here for you as you are for us.

I think we've all been there before. The important thing is to never give up or lose hope.

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Are you going to meetings? They do help. I look at it like if I don't drink I can't get drunk. What does drinking do for you? Does it make your life unmanageable? Do you think you are powerless over it? Are you a real Alcoholic? The answers are in the big book. I hope you find them. We have recoverd! We solved the drinking problem....:slightly_smiling_face:

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It is one day at a time so congrats on day one and look forward to day two!
You got this!

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You can do this Madison! Nobody's recovery story is a straight line - there's peaks and valleys along the way

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Welcome back!

We've a had plenty of day ones! At least you are back and on the attack. Good for you and keep it up!

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P.s. my kitten :cat2: sends lots of love :relaxed:

Hi Madison, nice to see you. Welcome back!

Strength and wisdom right? You will overcome.

Relapses are a chance to reprioritize and learn from ourselves. No one on this app is alone unless we choose to be so.

Every day is day one sometimes. Be proud u figured out what triggered u... and be PROUD ur back on track. You got this!!

Well you just got to make the decision not to pick it up cause I’m all it’s all a decision lady you can hit me up 716-275-3798 if you want too

All we have is today. Yesterday is gone, tomorrow doesn’t exist, live in the here and now. Have a happy and blessed 24