
Curious to know other peoples story. When did it became “easier”, a week, a month?

I'm 85 days sober from alcohol, and tonight is harder for me, mentally, than day 2 was. I think every day is its own journey, and it's hard to say which direction your brain is going to go. But I think it only took a couple weeks for me to notice positive physical changes. I sleep better and have more energy. I also noticed my ring loosen up around my finger; never realized how bloated I was from drinking.


Thank you for your response, this is helpful! Congratulations on 85 days :blush:

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I’m almost 500 days sober, it never gets easier! We just get stronger!


hi, for me the craving got better about 4 months in. 1 year Of sobriety and alcoholic drinks don’t even seem like an option. Your thought process will begin to change for the better. You do get stronger but also the addiction let’s go of it daily hold on you. Your day no longer revolved around alcohol or your doc. As you fill up you mind with better things. It does get easier.


Thank you for your response Shay, very helpful and gave me a little more hope when I needed it tonight, thanks again!!

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I'm at 120 days, I think about 2 or 3 weeks in I started feeling better. After a couple of months the daily thoughts went away for me. Every now and then I will think about it but the obsession is mostly gone. Each day gets better for me.

I'd say it's more based on where than when. Step 4&5 are big. Step 10 and 11 help me a lot.

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Everyone is different but it gets easier. Just give time /time . Play the tape and remember what it was like !!

I couldn’t “just stop” not for any length of time. I had to put some hard work in. Some restraint, I had to find actions that took me away from my thinking - which was always destructive in some way.

at my core I always sought comfort and power in my using. So too in my recovery. I had to be taught and learn myself how to find it without my old vices and precisely that was my pain.

I surrounded myself with others focused on recovery and it got better the more action in that direction I took.

simple but not easy

I'll be honest that first week is tuff but my drive was not to overdose again. But eventually I was able to quit cigarettes alcohol and serious drugs now it's about riding of sugar and white bread and rid of that obesity I drew in while using I have about 6 yrs clean now.

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People recover in stages. I at just over three years, but I can't remember when the obsession was lifted. I definitely “crash landed” back into recovery. My addiction still manifests itself in other ways, though.

It becomes easier to me when I finally had an epiphany of how I want my life to be.