Crying spells

I have been experiencing very intense crying spells. Like something is taking over my body and many times quite literally brings me to my knees in surrender. When it eventually passes I feel a wave of calm introspection, relief and like my heart is opening. I’ve never experienced it this way before. I used to cry during my addiction and could feel a slight relief but mostly just misery and more embarrassment and shame. Has anyone else experienced this or any similar physical manifestation of facing your pain? At least, that’s what I think is happening as I’ve suppressed a series of traumatic experiences, heartbreak and a long term toxic relationship. I think this is a sign that I am finally facing this pain and hoping I am getting it out. Can anyone else identify with this and if so - did you feel you were able to get it out? Does anyone have suggestions on regular practices in experiencing and releasing this pain? I am almost 3 months sober (the longest since I was about 16) and I’m in active therapy. Any thoughts welcome! Thanks for listening.

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Yes. I use different grounding methods for the short term. But actually i feel better after a good cry. Sonetime its all that is left and its all that feels good. Anowhere thing is, tasking it out with people who understand addiction like addicts or drunks themselves will help. Have you ever heard of Post Acute Withdrawal? This may be part of it as well.

Hey thanks @erik88079! Yea I’d love to hear about the grounding techniques. Yes, I definitely do feel better afterwards - was just wondering if that was part of facing and feeling the surprised pain and if others have experienced/benefited from this. Yes, I’ve heard of post acute withdrawal but I don’t know much about it.

:wave:, yes I experience crying spells too. I've also had a lot of heavy issues in my life over the last 6 months as well as lose. I let the crying try to roll out as if it just needs to be drained or let out the pressure like on a bike tire. I find talking to myself and actively thinking about releasing the pain and anxiety really helps.

I used to work with children who had difficulty with their speech development and when they would get frustrated we would tell them to tighten up all their anger like closing off a faucet and then slowly release. Works great in my opinion for me as well :slightly_smiling_face:. Hope that helps

Yes this helps thank you!

I also too have crying spells..I have been sober for 3 weeks..most of my spells have been me thinking about the mistakes that I have made.. I do relate to you.. it feels as if I know now( since I've been sober) that my life, has been unmanageable..I'm jus going to do my best to stay b thankful that I may have a chance to mend my wrongs….

@antonio88530 thank you for responding! Congrats on 3 weeks! I totally understand and yes you definitely have a chances to mend your wrongs! I’m just curious though - were you thinking about wrongs you did during your addiction or things underneath that may have caused you to use/mask your feelings in the first place? Keep going!