I’ve got roughly a year and a half of sobriety from alcohol under my belt, which was my drug of choice. I recently started taking 5mg thc edibles over the last two months and found myself using daily. I’ve havent used in 5 days and I’m getting the urge to use again this weekend. Ive always had the stance that marijuana isn’t addictive, however I was starting to crave hourly when using. with My addictive nature, I’m assuming the best course of action is to obstain from any mind altering drugs, or is the occasional use of thc ok if I can manage?
One of the biggest lies I've ever heard was Marijuana wasn't addictive. Believing that it isnt is not your fault because it is what we are told over and over again by pro Marijuana activists. I would stay away from it as a course of its nature. Anything that can alter your perception of reality is addictive.
Well- unfortunately for me I cant use any mind altering substances whatsoever. marijuana was huge for me. I smoked all the time I never ever thought it was “bad” when I went to treatment for drugs/alcohol I had the full intention of continuing to smoke when I got out ….but i realized while I was there how dependent on it I was. I use anything to change the way I feel, to cope, to level out- etc. any excuse. But life is hard, and it doesn’t get easier if I’m numbing it. It only gets easier to cope if I face it, walk through my fears and get stronger over time. I go to therapy regularly & I like the program of AA. both have helped me cope with reality stone cold sober & my life keeps getting better. its not “easy” but I’m strong and I can endure & I’ve gained so much.
I am for sure addicted to weed. I used it to cope with everything but all my friends are stoners so its been super hard to hang out with them and its pretty lonely. i think its important to find sober friends you can lean on
Thx Steve! this helps!
Very relatable. once I started using marijuana for a week, would get thoughts to use starting at 9am, while I thought it was harmless I found myself constantly wanting to escape. Ive Come to grips that all mind alternating drugs are completely out of the picture for me….day 6 no marijuana, can’t believe I got myself in another rut.
my weed buddies are a couple former drinking buddies who have switched to weed lol. may need to educate them
How ya doing man, haven't heard from you in a while?