Crazy 2 weeks

My semi truck car carrier is in the shop waiting on a part that they can't seem to find due to the long shutdown from covid-19.

We adopted two cats back in December of last year and it has been an expensive journey getting them prepared for life.

They're playing got out of hand yesterday and knocked the water filter tank off the sink. It's no longer operational. Trash.

We get these bugs every year at this time near Lake Erie and the cats like to pounce on the screen to try to get to the bugs. Now the screen is coming apart and we have to keep all the windows and doors closed until the bugs are gone.

Water heater decided to spring a leak this morning and so I decided rather than to tackle it myself I would call a plumber. $1200

Home ownership is great but it has it's moments.

I haven't decided yet whether or not to call the cat exterminator!

Life goes on after sobriety and life still throws problems at us but we getter better and better at life one day at a time without picking up a drink.

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. Courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.

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Wish I was closer. I just did my water heater a few months ago for 1/3 that. 60 gallons.

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No regrets. You budget for rainy days and it's done right.

It's always something! But it's more solvable while sober, no matter what the problem.

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I've done two of them in my life and I kept wondering how many trips I was going to have to make up to Home Depot to make it all right. I don't have a pick up these days so I would have had to throw in the back of my Nissan Rogue. They took care of the disposal of it too. I think it was probably worth it. 6 year warranty 1 year labor.

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My truck clicked 191,000 yesterday. It’s parked mostly these days but I don’t want to let it go just yet.

I hear you
The cool thing about my 2015 Nissan Rogue is it has just short of 40,000 and it's paid for. Thanks to sobriety.
I'd like to have a nice late model pickup truck but I don't want the payments. LOL
I haul cars and trucks for a living so I get reminded all the time just how nice they are these days.

Mines an 06. Hardly late model. But certainly paid for.