Craving. trying to be strong! once a certain time hits,

craving. trying to be strong! once a certain time hits, i feel like i need to drink. it makes things less boring for me. please tell me im not the only one who feels this way. :pensive:

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So with you. Once I’ve done a certain amount any day I even feel like I deserve a drink. Haha. It is boring. I’m trying to do things outside and stay busy but the boredom gets me whenever I’m done. Hang in there!

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I completely understand. I try to find something to do. I like to read and work in my yard. Hot outside now lol

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thank you for reminding me that im not alone, i always feel like i am

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thank you for also reminding me that i am not alone.

That is why so many of us are here. There is a drive to intoxicate that we know we no longer want.


For me: 7 to the witching hour. So sad to get thru this time


It's understandable and you're not alone. I deal with them a lot even with time clean. When I feel like things aren't going a certain way, or I think because I deserve a drink for working hard, I remind myself of where I once was and the place that I ended up. I usually take a walk or go out with some friends for coffee and before I know it that craving disappears.

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Thanks everyone. It does help to know we are not alone. Most of friends don’t understand or respect my choice. Not their fault. That’s the only version of me that they ever knew.

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Get yourself some orange juice and honey and mix it together. It helps to curb the cravings. Alcohol has a lot of sugar in it. In the beginning if we take in something sweet it makes us less prone to pick up a drink


really tough. i understand

this app helps to get my feelings out!

Get to a meeting and share about it

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going to. thank you!

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thank you for the advice! i will try asap!

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agreed and understood my friend.

i try to keep busy! i get the same feelings. thank you for commenting :slight_smile:

The evening craving can be challenging as for many of us! it was our pattern, habit, our way to help the down time pass by and almost a ritual. I started riding a bike again a jump on it to get some exercise and it helps me refocus the alcohol cravings for something more healthy. I am also drinking a ton of herbal teas at night which helps with the happing of drinking something and can help calm nerves and settle some of the anxiety. Some help me get to sleep easier and helps me relax. Surf through the urges! You can do it!

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Definitely not, and especially certain stressful situations where it’s either expected of me or I just don’t want to be there and it calms the nerves. The problem is that then sometimes I go off the deep end and I spiral. Then it becomes a nightmare and I feel like I can’t stop

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Please let me know how it helped. It gets better one day at a time.

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