Counted the bottles in the bin. Embarrassed. Need to make

Counted the bottles in the bin. Embarrassed. Need to make a change.


Hello Chloe. It is fabulous to hear that you want to make a change for yourself. If you are in need of finding meetings, there are listing on

There is also an AA meeting guide that I downloaded to my phone. It lists all tge meetings that are in the area.

Keep reaching out and you will succeed in the way of living a sober life.

Thank you. I feel so odd doing this on an app but I’m not comfortable with meetings in person. I hid my drinking for the most part so no one really knows. I am not an every day drinker and had cut back to weekends only once the school year started but this week I’ve been drinking daily. Last night I really felt out of control which was scary. I had bought a bottle of champagne for tonight and planned on doing dry january but changed my kind and am starting today instead. My husband doesn’t drink do he’s super helpful. I’m just tired of the cycle of doing well then having a bender that I’m embarrassed about the next day.

Chloe, you are not alone in going on benders and feeling embarrassed the next day; I was one of tgise people. I am a teacher and I always loved the week after Christmas- it meant a time where I didn't have to work and I didn't have to worry.

I also didn't drink all of the time. I could go days, weeks or even a month without drinking. I went to a meeting with my sister 5 months ago with the intention just to listen. After reading a story from the big book about various types of drinkers and hearing stories of other females, I realized more tgat I was an alcoholic. It's always good to reach out. If you ever want to chat, you're more than welcome to reach out.

Happy New Year!

You are definitely not alone in the rooms of AA or on this app. Welcome. Glad you're here

The path to sobriety is difficult but fulfilling. Don't count bottles and mistakes, instead count blessings and kindness. Each day is a step for a better life

Chloe it's awesome that you recognize your need for change. I hid my drinking too. I know the embarrassment of hiding bottles until the kids leave for school so your spouse doesn't see them in the recycling bin. I'm here to say it does get better. There are so many people here who know exactly what you are going through. If you ever need to talk reach out… We are all here for you