Could use some help? Relapsing

Could use some help? Relapsing

Hi Ryan. What's going on?

Relapse did a lot of it in my first 5 years sober, then I got 10 years plus and lost that , thats when I grabbed a Sponsor and worked the steps like my life depended on it.. I have put together 11 years one day at a time , easy no simple yes.. its God's will if your not done yet then your not done, you'll get there, the Elevator headed for he'll on earth , you can get off any time and take the steps...

Here if you need to talk

Good morning all. Hi Ryan, we use drugs and/or alcohol to reward ourselves relax and escape. We need to come up with some alternatives to soothe those states of mind. That means we need to recondition the way we think. We need to get honest with ourselves (that drugs and/or alcohol is not the problem, we are the problem. We use as a solution to reward, relax, escape). And as honest as we can be with the people that can help us i.e. like minded people, therapist to name a couple. We need to be open to the suggestions of the people who can help us and have a willingness to pursue some of those suggestions. No matter how we slice it, drinking and drugging is a choice. We either are or we are not. Recovery is a grind that takes time to reach desirable and consistent outcomes. This happens "one day at a time". Our attitude about recovery has to be personal. " I am not going to use, no matter what. NO MATTER WHAT!" The more attention to detail we put into our internal and external needs, the better results we will yield. It is time to make some tough decisions, we are here to support you. I know, this seems like a lot. It's not, it is a choice. Have a great day, :v: out.
