Could really use some prayers and encouragement

Could really use some prayers and encouragement. My Mom was taken to the hospital today , they think she might have had a stroke . I just lost my Dad in November and on top of all this I'm on day 8 of having Covid . Still feel sick , my fever breaks and than comes back a couple hrs later . I know I'm gonna be ok just alot going on right now :pray:

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That sounds like a rough time brother, hang in there! You have a lot of people on here who I am sure care about ya, reach out if you feel like you need to talk or vent. Sending some :pray: your way!

Kevin. You and your mom are in my prayers.

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Kevin I pray for the healing of you and your family. Stay Strong. Ask the Most High to give you strength beyond what you ever imagined.

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Hang in there man. God has his eye on you.


Hi Kevin. I'm sorry all this is happening. My prayers are with you and your mom.

May God be with you praying for you

Prayers for your mom!!! Hoping if it is a stroke it's mild and she recovers!! And keep your head up! My boys and I had covid... Started to feel like I was never going to feel the same again! But that too past!! Stay strong​:muscle::muscle:

How's your mom? And how are you?

Sending you prayers, encouragement, and healing :pray:t3: