Could people trying to scam and sell nudes politely get

Could people trying to scam and sell nudes politely get the hell out of here. This is a site for actual people in recovery! Trying to make friends. Not go to Facebook so I can live chat and face time.


Wait, you mean that insanely hot 25 year old DOESN'T want my 50 year old alcohol ravaged body? Seems so unfair….


Amen amen!!!

Agreed. I don't even DM with anyone because I can't tell who's who.

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There are male scammers too. Acting ok then requesting a sugar baby.

:pray: Hell's yes, preach brother.


Agreed. I just joined yesterday, and the first thing I saw was a woman with big boobs straddling something I almost deleted the app, but I’ll be patient and give it a try.

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100%. Male profiles seem to sometimes be sneaker because their photos aren't in your face.

IF you accept them repeated poor spelling and sentence structure is a pretty good tell :face_with_monocle::v:. And guys who say they are in the military and deployed. If you just google that "military dating scams" it's pretty rampant and they probably just don't catch the recovery part of this app ... oh well. That's my Ted Talk.


And please make sure the account is reported. You can do so directly from the scammer's profile.

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Give it a little longer I personally love the app itself but it’s turning more and more like Facebook with all these scammers

I’m staying clear of F.B
Not because of the people I don’t know but because of the people I thought I knew.


The exact reason I left Facebook

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Thank you!!!! I've had women DM me, stating it's better to chat off the site, and then ask for a pic of me!
I'm not here for that nonsense and I'm strictly heterosexual.

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Yes, indeed. That's why I left the last time, but this site has many resources.

Luckily I am not on here for dating, so I’m not concerned about being scammed, but want to meet people who are truly in recovery.

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Same :blush:.