Control or no control?

If you ever drop your keys into a river of molten lava, let'em go...because man, they're gone! - Jack Handey

I am reminded of a teacher I had who went on a canoe trip on one of those ultra clear lakes. They dropped something and went to reach in and pick it up since the water looked very shallow. The guide stopped them because the water where they were was 500 feet deep. If the had reached to grab it and fell in, they could have drowned. Just because something was important does not mean that the circumstances Merritt the risk of relieving it.

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If I could attach a meme here I would. It was referring to holding onto a rope. Sometimes holding on creates damage and may hurt your hand. Holding onto to the rope incorrectly may cause more damage to your hand. Letting go of the rope doesn't damage your hand. Comparable to letting go of what we cannot change...other people and their actions. What I can I control? Me and my actions.

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