Coming up this 4th I will be on my 90

Coming up this 4th I will be on my 90 days and I am super happy to say that this has to be the most beautiful feeling I have ever felt and want give all the glory to God for restoring me. :heart:


Woo Hoo Congrats Bianca.. Keep it up..

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Thank you Noel very much appreciated it feels wonderful. :heart: God bless you.

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Thank you, Bianca and may God Bless You and much more

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congratulations! big milestone

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Thank you Ajay very much appreciated

I'm happy for you, Bianca!

You pressed through the withdrawals, stayed committed through the rough days, and overcame obstacles. Keep it up!

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Thanks love very much appreciated it has been a roller coaster :roller_coaster: but hey I love who I am becoming

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This is what it's about...loving who you are.

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2 Corinthians 5:17 all the way!! Congrats Bianca you're doing amazing work! Keep it up!

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Way to go! And it gets better!