Comfort Food 🍩

Have you had to rely on comfort foods to help you combat the urge to drink?

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Bacon and pecan pie are my go to foods. I make a mean pecan pie.

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Yeah, sugar. The body tends to miss all that sugar we were pouring into it through alcohol...
I find carbonated mineral waters to do the trick as well tho. A nice sugar free substitute;)

I love a good pecan pie.

My mom ate a lot of fruit snacks to help her fight the urge to smoke. She was slightly depressed over the weight gain. I told her it's best to workout and eat better in other ways than to fight with cancer.

I love carbonated mineral waters, too. Which you favorite brand?

I've recently been craving a nice cold coke out of a bottle. I had one out of a fountain machine at burger king yesterday, and it just wasn't cutting it.

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I'm the same way about soda.

I must have fountain or bottle Sprite. A can doesn't cut it for me. :rofl:

I love all those, too. I'm trying to cut dairy (except cheese) and non-natural sugar out my diet. I found a soy, blueberry yogurt. I love it. It has 12 grams of added sugar. :tired_face:

Pizza :pizza:

Oh my gosh, in the early days I craved sugar nonstop

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I am keeping twizzlers in business singlehandedly.

I know right?

Early on yes I did. Now that I'm 30 years in I can say I've also used food to help with depression aswell. I'm one of those to the big book talks about. " there are those too who suffer from grave emotional and mental disorders but many of them do recover if they have the capacity to be honest"! Having mental illnesses doesn't bar you from recovery it just makes things interesting and challenging. It can be done though(recovery). If you want it above all else

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