Checking this thing out

Hi everyone!

I’m Allison from California and I’m new to Loosid.

I’ve been in and out for nearly 3 years, but after checking back into treatment in September and rebooting my recovery from top to bottom, I’m happy to say that I will have 7 months tomorrow.

It has been quite the journey but I’m so grateful to be sober today. I can see how much time I wasted desperately trying to keep alcohol in my life when it was clear I couldn’t manage it anymore. My relapses took me to new emotional lows quicker and quicker and the consequences were getting bigger each time.

I finally started to take the suggestions of people that have more time than me and made my recovery my top priority. Everything in my life has improved as a result.

To anyone that’s struggling, all you have to do is not pick up a drink just for today. :white_heart:


Great advice !!!!!


Congratulations on the 7 months!


Congrats on 7 months :clap:t5:.

Proud of you.

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Congrats Allison..

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