
What's a challenge you have in your recovery/sobriety? What have you done to overcome it?

Please share regardless if you have tried to overcome it or not. Someone may see your post, and give you direction/support that you didn't have before.


Maintaining a positive relationship with my ex wife for the sake of my daughters.

I made my amendment. I set boundaries. I do not attempt to control her. I do not resent her for old stupid bullshit that doesn’t matter anymore.

Forgiving myself is a barrier to me. I work on it with my sponsor, but it's a process and I'm just not there yet. I'm eagerly waiting for mental health institutions to open so I can get professional help. Also, impatience. I am overly ambitious and put too much stress on myself. I get too far ahead. “Easy does it” is somethin I am still learning to grasp. I want Rome built in a day.

I face the challenge of letting go. I’ve blamed a lot of this in my MIL. Deep down inside I know it’s no one’s fault but my own but I can’t get passed that she contributed to this. Another is patience, which I usually have a lot of but recently I’ve been depressed and have so much in my plate that even the littlest things anger me.

Had to cut out some friends, And make new connections with like minded people. I'm only 30 days in but it has made it alittle easier.

Making amends to myself. Easier to say than do

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I’ve been clean over 11 years and I felt like I was becoming complacent so I joined this app and I’m starting meetings again

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I've missed out on the opportunities to fulfill my dreams because of alcoholism.
I set out to be an Airline pilot but alcohol had different plans for me. I accept it and I have lots of gratitude. Afterall, I could be locked up in prison somewhere with not as much freedom as I have today. Even though my dreams didn't work out, I have much to be thankful for.

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I started dating a girl... rough shit I know! Been open and honest with her about everything and we are still feeling each other out so we'll see where things go in the future! I'll tell you what though waiting over a year to start dating was a fucking amazing idea! In the past I would have relapsed over something that went on today, it was a big misunderstanding and got straightened out but I would have drank over it had I not had my legnth of sobriety, sponsor, psychologist and some other support members

My challenge is not to allow my stinking thinking to lead me in those places around those people and things

That's a struggle many have. Thank goodness your daughters have you attempting to co-parent. They need that.

Dealing with emotions that I would normally turn to alcohol to drown out.

I’m the custodial parent :flushed::flushed: but yes indeed it is great that my ex and I work together for the sake of the girls.

My biggest challenge is forgiving myself. I lost so much and hurt so many. I haven’t figured out how to do that yet.