Challenges 🥴

What is a challenge you had recently and how did you overcome it?

I am going through a challenge right now! I will overcome it. I've been talking to this guy for over 5 months and he's honestly just an asshole. I pointed out that he's been quiet the past couple days and he got upset and started ignoring me. I swear he is a narcissist. Normally, I'd come home and drink. Then probably end up drunk texting him lol. However, I am going to use positive affirmations, because I deserve much better than the way he treats me. Still, I am depressed about the situation...I am a people pleaser. But this relationship is not worth the stress and emotional wearing.


Good for you! As hard as that situation sounds it seems like you're approaching it well!

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Hey, Stephanie. Good call. I hate when adults play the ignore game. What's so hard about apologizing if necessary, explaining why one is available, and reaching out.

I'm sorry you are depressed. Great job on recognizing poor behaviors early on and doing what you need to do to take care of you.

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Thank you Amanda! :blush: this time I really am focusing on me first

Thank you!! Self worth has not come easy to me lol, but I'm working on it :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: