Can’t stop drinking

Can’t stop drinking.

Hi Kathy. Damn if I don’t remember feeling the exact same way 1000 times. But you can. You’ve done it before. You had 23 years!! That’s an incredible accomplishment.

Remember what worked? You can do this.

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Put together a week. Life is good, what is my problem?

Are you trying to do it by yourself? Addiction is a disease. Would you try to cure yourself of cancer?

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Lying to everyone. Go to meetings here and there. Started an antidepressant that makes me crazy. Nothing makes sense.

The usual- ‘ once the weather gets nicer I’ll feel better. Once work settles down I’ll feel better. Once I find love I’ll feel better. Once my financial situation gets better I’ll feel better. Always a different excuse.

I should know better by now with all my sober experience and the tools at my hand. I’ve just lost my way.

It took me 25 years to get 30 days. You can do it. I go to AA but there are many programs out there with proven success.

Do not let fear, shame, pride or ego stand in the way of the happiness you can find.

Yes Craig, all of the above stand in my way. I just want to sleep all the time,

I remember that crushing feeling of depression and defeat. I got on Wellbutrin and went to addiction therapy. I went to meetings. I got a sponsor. I took a time out from friends and the pursuit of relationships. I got selfish and put myself first. I had some help from the great state of Texas in some of that, I won’t deny. And my kids were a huge motivation as well. But in very short order I realized that I was doing it for me. And that’s why it finally worked.

You can't beat yourself up.things change with time and so do our sobriety needs. if you beat yourself up or put yourself down then you might not be able to see what changes you are needing

I can relate

Are you trying the steps? Do you have a sponsor? I know how hard it can be!

Alcoholic mayy