Can’t get to day one of not drinking....every night a

Can’t get to day one of not drinking....every night after working out and dinner. I can’t seem to stop?!

I was just like you for about 4 years. It progressively got worse to where I was blacking out and/or stumbling by Saturday afternoons. I am 8 days sober today. Just pick one day and make that day happen. That’s how yo start. And the. It’s onee we day at a time after that. You can do it! Good luck.

Have you hit up meetings? It helps a lot of us. Try to avoid being alone or with people who drink. It is too easy to relapse like that.

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I hate to say it but dont wait until something bad happens to where you are forced to stop. Last weekend I almost killed my husband. I shot my gun at him accidentally but sort of purposely because we were arguing. I have a bullet hole in my bedroom window and our child was laying in our bed sleep when it happened. The police was called by a neighbor and we told them it was an accident. They seemed skeptical but left. I could of killed someone let alone my own husband and child. That's when I knew at that moment I had to stop

How ya hanging rick?

You could get into legal trouble with this post. Just saying. Oh, I been there. Glad we divorced.

Meant my note for Janelle

Surrender... to the fact that we are Powerless over alcohol and can't stop on our own

Keep trying. It took me years of denial to admit that I had a problem. I didn’t want to admit it because I never missed work, was a good provider etc. Every day that I was off work, however, I would find myself drunk, again. Keep trying. The fact that you realize it and want to quit is a big step!

Hey Rick: How's it going? Personally, I never had ANY luck getting clean or sober alone. Today I go to meetings and have an excellent support group. Oh yeah, it's FREE.

Please don't do this alone. You don't have to. There are many people, just like me and you. But if you don't reach out they won't be able to help you.

It’s called obsession an if u don’t brake it u will never get sober

Get rid of the gun. Next time may put you in prison for life and your child will lose both of you. Get rid of it today.

Hey man, you might consider a detox program. It is dangerous to quit cold.

Rick...please reach out to a professional. We do have a list of professionals who can help. There's tele-help and detox options.