Can anybody talk to me ?help me I’m not doing

Can anybody talk to me ?help me I’m not doing so good right now

What’s up

Jus relasped not doing to good feeling bad

Going to do a meeting in a min jus feeling down

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Hi Kristin, don’t beat yourself up, relapse is a part of so many of our stories. There’s a lesson and opportunity for growth to be found. You made it back, I believe in you !! :heartpulse:


Hey! Here for you! You got this! Today you are sober

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Just breathe Thru the rough moments and know they will pass.

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You are human. We all mistakes. You eventually learned how to ride a bike right? I highly doubt you got on that bad boy and took off on the first or second try. Probably fell off and scraped a knee or two. Said to yourself “f that, I ain’t doing that again”. But I bet you did. And I bet you eventually got it. Matter of fact, maybe go for a bike ride today? Reset. Don’t have a bike? I bet you can find a cheap one used online. Don’t have money. Use the credit card. This is important stuff. It’s worth it. Don’t give up Kristin. You can do it. Send me a message if you wanna. I don’t have much going on this evening. Keep your head up and try again friend.


Hey Kristin! Don’t feel down, lift yourself up. I do fell- 2 days today :roll_eyes: trying to calm my anxiety and try again! You got this chickadee!


Hi Kristin,
Sorry you're not feeling so great today. You can always start over. Keep trying and please don't give up on yourself. Get help/pray/meetings. Whatever it takes. Wishing you the best.


Be proud of yourself for reaching out and taking a step to be safe. It's a journey and we all have moments like yours on the way. Be gentle with yourself.

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Thanks everyone I did a meeting this morning and got a sponser


I am willing to chat with you after I get out of the meeting I'm chairing and then go to our business meeting

Great job

Am seeking for someone to keep my company on here ???

Hello I am always available to give input.

That's great! Hope you are feeling better and have a sense of purpose and hope.

Great job. That's how you take charge.

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