Can anybody relate to this, I'm in a state of

Can anybody relate to this, I'm in a state of flux like I don't know what direction to go I just don't want to go backwards, my last relapse was horrible and I'm so afraid of going back that I don't feel like doing anything, I'm stuck its hard to explain usually I have goals, plans ambitions, but not now I don't know how to move forward

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One day at a time. What has worked for me was getting envolved in some service. Also getting a sponsor, run your thought by them daily. These tools have worked for many of us.

whenever I start to feel like this, I find doing service makes me feel grounded again. It gives me a sense of accomplishment and value.

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Thank you for your support

I understand completely. I'm two weeks clean from a relapse. Even before the relapse I felt stagnant. I feel like there's a million things I want to accomplish in my life, but I do not know how or where to start. It's like I can't understand how to even get started on doing something meaningful with my life. I don't know if this is normal or not, but I do understand what your are going through. I hope you can find a way to move forward. A lot of people have told me that I don't have to do anything….. just be. It'll all come to fruition, but I feel like I have to do something and I just can't figure out what yet. Somehow someway things'll work out. Just wanted to let you know that you're not alone in what you're feeling. Pray on it and talk about it. Also write down your feelings and desires. It might help to keep a journal. If you have a sponsor, talk to them about this. Stay blessed and sober beloved And don't give up…..

I can relate to the feeling. In group treatment I was taught our bodies and mind take time to heal. Also that we have to spend as much time on recovery at first as we did our substance. So with that being said, it just takes time for it to come together. Maybe write out some things you'd like to do once you feel ready. In the meantime setting very basic goals has helped. Such as going for a walk, call a good friend or family member every day for 10 minutes, eat well, be kind to myself, rest, read self improvement books or do a hobby. I know that some of that is so basic to most, but to me a little goal like taking a shower and basic daily requirements were where I had to start. Review my accomplishments to myself big or small at the end of the night, what I'm grateful for, what I would like to improve on tomorrow.

Interesting fact that Dopamine takes a while to bounce back which can leave us with good intent to get things done especially now that we are sober, but chemically we don't have enough dopamine. There was a video we watched and it blew my mind explaining this. Didn't necessarily help with the feelings, but at least I had a better understanding that it was more than just my willpower.

Yes, I do feel like I can relate to what you’re saying And feeling. It has helped me to make A list of things that make me feel good and accomplished and then work on incorporating those things into my day to day life

Me too I am a cronic duel diagnosed relapser