Broken heart

My eyes are hurting cause I can’t see ,my arms are empty cause I can’t hold you, my lips are cold I can’t kiss you,My hear is broken I trusted you so much put you let me down :cry::cry:

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Sorry you are hurting today. Sending you positive vibes.

Sucks to feel that way. I've been there. Hopefully you can see your internal and external beauty and move on from this season sooner than later. Best of luck!

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keep writing!!!!

I’m sorry you are hurting. Everything is temporary. God has a plan already in place. Whatever you are going through you can get past it and learn from it. Sending positive vibes your way

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Stay strong. Praying always helps.

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Is it jacked up that I find this beautiful?

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The man was obviously a blind idiot you can do better you land on your feet.

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Aww sorry for you pain.but your poetry is heartfelt.

Hey Brittany we are here for you! Sorry you were hurt- I know the feeling, give it some time & reach out to your close friends for company

I know exactly what your going through. I’m in the exact fucking situation