Broke and drank last night

Broke and drank last night I feel like I'm never going let this go I've literally lied to every one I know tell them It's the last time I'll slow down but it never happends I have a long line of family addiction seems like I'm just like the rest of them idk what to do are how to even do this. But I know it needs to be done

It sounds like you need professional help man, and there's nothing wrong with that. Going to inpatient treatment is the best decision I ever made, literally. It's nothing to be ashamed of, you're not weak, it's a disease and like any disease you need medical assistance.

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One day at a time. U shouldn't be so hard on yourself. I've been doing this 10 + years and there been many times I relapsed throughout this disease I call it that we struggle with. it runs through my family history as well . I am knew on here and just saw that they did online meetings just a suggestion. We can be are worst enemy.

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Hi, Derek. You shouldn't give up so fast. Do something different. Kelly said- meetings are imperative. Meetings are part of life for those who have been sober 20+ years. Get to an AA meeting. Find treatment as Matt suggested. Tap the lifesaver icon on the menu to be directed to the list.