Boy do I want a drink tonight!

Boy do I want a drink tonight! I walked by the liquor section at Target, but still want to go get something.
Help! Any advice, words of wisdom, or ANYTHING to help me finish out the day sober?

Please don’t drink. If you feel you need to buy that drink: buy 0% alcohol.

As far as staying sober: finish the thought. What would happen if you take that drink? Figure out why you want the drink and do something healthy to respond to the desire to drink.


Thanks, Amanda! I really appreciate that and I didn't drink :tada:

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No problem. We are family.

I'm glad you didn't drink.

If necessary I hear the Heineken zeros are actually pretty good. What about going for a run or going to do something you enjoy to take your mind elsewhere?

They say for us alcoholics to take it one day at a time, sometimes we need to break it down even further, 1 hour at a time. I’ve applied 15mins at a time often.
The average urge/impulse lasts for 15 mins, be it cravings, impulse buying, etc.
Remove your self from the area for 15mins and you’ll find it does work and the urge subsides. Congrats on not drinking.

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Even as an addict of another substance, early on in my recover I took things as simple as one decision at a time. I would just ask myself “is this a good choice” regarding what to eat and even activities I may be doing.. the goal was just to better myself, not using obviously being a huge part of that, but living a healthier life was the overall goal for me and I took everything a decision at a time

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Me too

Thank you all :heart:

The miracle is happening inside the rooms of recovery. Go to meetings every day, get a good sponsor, do the work, stay alive.