Best Movies Abt Addiction + Recovery 🎥

One of my favorites is A Star is Born even though it’s terribly sad :sweat: List some of your favs below!


Requiem for a dream… I lost it at the end. :frowning:


Both great choices!

28 days … not 28 days later. Very different film :sweat_smile:.


Lolll I always confuse them!! :joy:

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Basketball Diaries

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Omg I havent seen that in so long. I vaguely remember it being a bit triggering for me so not sure if I would re-watch lol


Such a good movie from what I remember. I havent seen it in years

I wouldn't rewatch it either but it definitely got to me which I count as a pretty good movie if it made me feel all sorts of ways but I def agree… pretty sure I won't watch it again.

Trainspotting is another one…

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NYPD finest, it reminds me many different aspects of things related to the disease the greed, corruption and dangerous situations we put our selves in, the disconnected selling of ourselves and what we settle for not to mention the gets and watching friends or family vanish, especially when a young innocent is lost.

The Queens Gambit series on Netflix.


Ooo Ive never heard of this one! Have to add it to the list.

Requiem for a Dream is the reason I never shot dope.

A recent movie I saw about recovery was Flight with Denzel Washington, it was really quite good.

Especially the coming to terms and acceptance that happened eventually

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Great show!

Flight was pretty good. Denzel is always a good bet.

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This seems to be one of the classics. Can’t believe I haven’t seen it yet