Believe in you

15 days ago I checked myself into the ER for alcohol poisoning. The second time in fact. I was there for 8 days. They couldn't get a proper IV. They tried 7 times, then they had to do a main line vein. I decided then being drunk was killing me and my soul and any chance at happiness. It wasn't killing my anxiety or depression. It was making it that much worse. I now have a therapist and psychiatrist as well. Setting myself up for success.

Today I had to get my car towed to get calibrated for the device in my car for the DUI I got some time ago. The car was dead. The tow truck driver helped me on both ends and helped me charge my car and waited for it to be calibrated. He couldn't have been nicer. I wasnt sure it was going to work. I still get emotional at just about everything as now im starting to feel again. He could see it in my face. He said he just likes helping people. He was homeless in OKC for 5 years. Pulled himself up and pulled himself out of the trenches. He's now successful and even a firefighter. He doesn't drink and told me how he was into fancy teas now. Didn't see that coming. I told him about my month and he told me to keep on my track. He said if I was ever in a bind to call him. I needed that today. I won't soon forget Adam's generosity and thoughts. I've failed before, as maybe many of you have.

This is a tale to never give up on yourself. People will help you in ways you never thought. Think of all you have and not what you don't. You will have your time in the sunshine just yet.



Andrew! Woohoo! You’re alive and sober!
That man was sent by your guardian angels! Believe in a power greater then ourselves could pull us out of this state of obsession of the mind!
Love your story! It’s evident of the power of God. A spiritual awakening.
Keep up the good work! Your story was exactly what I needed to hear as it reinforces my new found belief.
Thank you :pray:

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This is an amazing story, thank you so much for sharing this. Congratulations on your recovery and your spiritual awakening!