Being of Service

How are you being of service? If you are not currently serving, how do you want to serve?


I love this. You have given valuable help/information in a plethora of ways to many.

I chair both in person and zoom meetings, sponsor women, and remain willing to do what others need me to do :heart:


I have been sober for many years. Just want to thank everybody in AA first for helping me get where I’m at today.

I have many years of sobriety stopped going to meetings for many years stayed sober though. Now I’m here on this app and I’m really grateful that I found this app. Because now I can get back when I was given. It feels really good to be able to do that. I’ve made quite a few friends on here since I’ve been here. But I wish that I could’ve gone to be a counselor for alcoholics that’s how much I love helping people. But I don’t think I can do that now because I’m 61 years old.But I am here now and I am going to try to help as many people as I possibly can. It’s a great feeling when somebody asked me for help and I’m able to help them.

I’m not the best listener for a sponsor and I’m just completing my steps with my sponsor. I choose to be encouraging and supportive on chats for people when they’re feeling down or need reassurance or validation

Simply being present in a recovery group and sharing our experience is service. Everyone who has posted or responded to a post today is already giving back.

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