Being here and reading that I’m not alone has helped

Being here and reading that I’m not alone has helped me tremendously. I have anxiety when it comes to my addiction because I don’t have anyone that suffers as bad as me and most don’t understand. I thank you guys so much!


Hey, goody. We empathize with you. We're family. I'm glad you are here.


That was such a great feeling for me too. I remember exactly when I stopped feeling so alone. It was at my 2nd meeting when people really started sharing how messed up they had been, how they changed, and how good they feel now. I was like, “I still feel how they used to but I don’t want to anymore” so I got a sponsor and started the steps.

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It's nice to know you're not alone. This is one reason I love this community.

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You are definitely not alone. Anywhere from one day sober to 7 years and all in between Ive see here. It definitely is helpful.

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Thank you guys so much for all your support. I have been sober since my last post and I felt like I wanted to just forget that time in my life (there’s been many). So what I did was not open this app til today and I’m so glad I did! I love you guys all and this whole community. Thank you everyone for your kind words and encouragement.<3 Goody


Self love!!!!! One day at a time!!!

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There are so many of us. It’s crazy but also comforting

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Not alone at all. :fist_right::boom::fist_left:

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Never alone! I’m here and looks like the rest of the the sobriety crew is here too! For me God is right here next to me every second of the day! I’m never alone!
Keep your head up! Sobriety is beautiful

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I love you!

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The suffering ,oh the depths of suffering dictate the highest of happiness you can achieve, these steps can get you there

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Oh there’s grips of us!

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