Before it was a problem

How many of us are here because we wanted to get away from alcohol, before it was a problem?

I hear from people who were affected by addiction before they ever used a drug. Some chose to avoid it all together some saw it as a warning and got out before they had a problem. Is anyone here with this experience?

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Alcohol was definitely already a problem, but I quit before hitting “rock bottom”. I think we do other addicts a disservice by trotting out this tired notion that you have to hit rock bottom before getting help. Any time is a good time to quit. Also, if you quit before rock bottom, you get to keep most of your stuff!


I agree with that sentiment completely. I saw someone recently saying that they did need AA, Because it wasn't that bad. We need to help people realize that even here in addiction an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

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I grew up with an addict parent… you think I wouldn't have wanted to go near the stuff but I always wondered well what's so good about this stuff that it's worth giving up everything. … I'm here today though because I know for a fact I haven't hit bottom but I've seen up close and personal loved ones hitting bottom and I don't want to ever see it. I know I've been extremely lucky in my days of using and drinking though. I don't want to keep pushing that. Im happy to be here and ever so grateful for you guys.

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Thank you so much for sharing this.


Agreed… I found out too late that this shit ran in my family… Thanks mom :rofl: I don't think I hit rock bottom either… But getting arrested for dui woke my shit up. Luckily I was pulled over for speeding and didn't hurt anyone. Things could have been sooo much worse. That said I'm currently dealing with the aftermath of telling my wife how bad my drinking was. Not sure how things will shake out, I'm hoping we can work it out, but totally understand if we can't.


I came very close to rock bottom when I had declared bankruptcy; luckily I didn't lose my condo. I learned through the steps of AA, that I had alcoholic tendencies before I even picked up my first drink (being alone, spending $ like crazy, failed relationships…). I'm thankfull for the Fellowship, so I always have someone that will listen and where I can help others :pray::blush:

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Bryan, I hope tgat things go over well when talking to your wife :pray:

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Thanks Barb. We have been texting here and there but I can tell she is still angry. Things were rocky before I told her. We've been separated for a few weeks. This might be the last nail in the coffin of my marriage. Still makes me cry a bit, but I'm coming to terms with it.

Bryan, it is great that you are talking about it and not going to the bottle. I beleive in asking God for Serenity; it seems he shared this with you.

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I agree with them statements good thinking I'm just in rocovery . Thanks for the output I'm just on here kinda just soaking up some info I will be checking this app I like I've picked up some wisdom lemme get a pass tonight .thank you

That was me. I didn't like who my dad was MOST times when he was drinking. I was terrified of becoming like him. So I decided I was no longer allowing alcohol to be in my life.

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