Been struggling with addictions (mj, psychedelics, porn) for a long

Been struggling with addictions (mj, psychedelics, porn) for a long time and I'm now seeing how they are weighing me down. I've tried to quit by myself and keep falling back. I'm so tired of trying but tired of falling deeper into this rabbit hole. Part of me is scared to let go, some parts of me still don't want to... The devil side of me tries to convince me that sobriety isn't the answer but I can't unsee the burdensome effects the addictions have. Where do I start to let go?

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First thing I recommend is calling someone in the sober help section. The psychedelic stuff can have nasty side effect when detoxing. I would also search an organization that deals with port addiction.

Be careful with the psychedelics. If you do too much at once, you are basically insane. I’ve been there. I remember always being depressed the day after a trip. Which I think was probably my brain chemistry bouncing back from overload mode. Over use can lead to a kind of depression. Which might be what you’re feeling. Porn is probably the similar in that it’s sensory overload. Obviously easy to get addicted to. There’s rehab for that now. If you feel like things are getting out of control, you can find help

Oh and marijuana addiction is very real. I’ve also been there. I had to quit for a stupid job. I remember it being so difficult for about a year.

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Just know that miracles happen!
Any addict (no matter what you think your Drug of Choice IS...alcohol is a drug) can stop using, loose the desire to use, and find a new way of life.
Check out
NA saved my life & continues to do so. I have not needed to use any mind or mood altering substances since 1/10/1995.
Just keep engaging in the recovery process and check out some NA meetings.
For virtual, go to

It works!