Been sober for 3 days now and I'm feeling anxious

Been sober for 3 days now and I'm feeling anxious and depressed. I was sober since 3/22/2019 and relapsed on 5/3/2021. My last drink was 5/9/2021. I regret it so much. I let myself and family down. I will recover.


Welcome back brother.

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Good for you man for making it back. Do they have any meetings in your area? If not you can find one that meets every hour online through Zoom. It's a free app you can download. This can be a good place too so it's awesome you're reaching out. My sobriety date is 3-2-20. If you need someone to talk to just dm me and I'll send you my number. I'm in Hawaii so I'm 3 hours behind west coast time but I keep my phone on 24/7. Please don't hesitate if you think you're going to drink and don't beat yourself up about relapsing. We are addicts/alcoholics it happens. The fact that you were only out there for six days is amazing and it shows your heart in that the lifestyle of addiction is not what you want. You can do this bro one day at a time you can worry about staying sober tomorrow when it gets here. If you have a Higher power, pray. Keep up the good work you won't regret staying sober today.

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Thank you

Thank you so much. I been downloading AA apps and listening to meetings on zoom. I live in Baltimore and I noticed it's only one day at a time.