Been sober a little over a week after my fiancé

Been sober a little over a week after my fiancé left me I can feel myself slipping into depression is any of this even worth it

It is worth it, your life is worth it. I have been exactly right where you are and I can tell you life gets better, but not gonna lie it is tough and you have to put the work in. It is okay to be down for a moment but pick yourself up and keep pushing forward. Reach out for support and keep doing what is best for you.

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If you keep doing the same things, you get the same results.

Those results suck. So you should change.

This is the perfect time for you to focus on Brett. You are going in the right direction with your sobriety. In the beginning it is and will be a ruff journey. But I promise you It does get better. Life goes on and so will you. With or without her. The most important thing right now is working on the sober Brett. Once you do one day at a time and look back you will be surprised and stronger than you are now.