Been sober 6 weeks now. Longest I have been sober

Been sober 6 weeks now. Longest I have been sober in 20 years. I always lied to people and told them I quit and what not all the while I was drinking and struggling alone. getting sober is not easy, but it is possible . To anyone struggling today I pray for you. You can do it. You are not alone. One second at a time.

I am about where you are. I spent many years drinking and hiding how much isolating myself from mid afternoon til bedtime. Get up and do the same day after day. I am now sober longer than I have ever been.

Congratulations guys on your sobriety. I know it’s very hard to get sober. I drink for many years as well. It’s not easy getting sober at first without help. Hello it’s still not easy. But one thing I will tell you you’re in the right place. Because we’re all one big happy family here helping one another stay away from their demon. So just keep up the good work and continue asking for help. And letting people know where you are and how you’re feeling. It works trust me just give it time give time time and you’ll see