Been having a really hard time lately. I know this

Been having a really hard time lately. I know this is a community for sobriety, but I think we all struggle with things outside of alcoholism. Ive been feeling very insecure, vulnerable, and just so depressed. Ive had a panic attack three times in the past 3 or 4 days. Im moving which is a very happy thing. But right now the packing part of it is extremely triggering. Ive moved so many times my life, & in the past year & a half Ive moved four times. I finally escaped my abuser last year and I moved in with my dad. And we got a nice new home which is really nice. But those memories from before are making it really hard for me and I just feel useless and shitty. And the person who sold us the house gave us patron to celebrate our home, and they left beer too. My bf helped me throw the beer out. But my uncle will get mad if I give away the tequila. Patron was my go to drink. And I found where it was. I havent gone near it and im still sober. But it bothers me that its there. My family doesnt really know Im an alcoholic. But I dont know what to do. Im afraid that being in my vulnerable state I might relapse, or do something stupid. Im reaching out to my support system, im going to meetings, Im talking to my therapist and I even opened up to my coworkers. I dont know. I feel like im doing so much, like doing the most. And yet I feel like I keep doing something wrong. Or Im not doing the right thing. I feel very shitty.

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Toss the tequila. What uncle don't know won't hurt him.