Been drinking again for a couple months

Been drinking again for a couple months. I am exhausted and I feel awful. I stayed home and stayed sober today. I am looking forward to getting back on track. In early sobriety, I always have such a hard time sleeping. Do, feel free to reach out and keep me busy.

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Hi Ross - absolutely here you having a hard time sleeping, tossing and turning. For me what I try to think of is (if) I eventually fall asleep (or even in days to follow) how amazing waking up feels vs. with my head pounding. Iā€™m glad you were able to stay home today, hang in there.


Thanks Angela! I really appreciate the advice.

Hey man, yeah I can't sleep when I sober up right sucks.

Ever do meditation? Guided?

Melatonin is a safe, natural sleep aid, maybe give that a try.

It's tough at first, and you might need professional help, I wish you success

I know the feeling of starting over very well. I did it for many years. There's an old saying that it's easier to stay sober than it is to get sober. I had almost nine years and then I relapse in 2011. I stayed out there for almost 3 years. It was only after a couple months of being back out there that I started feeling exhausted. Drinking really does take a lot out of you. I just wanted to get through one day sober but by the end of the day I was back to drinking again. We call that the Insidious cycle of insanity. when I finally made it back to Alcoholics Anonymous and sat down all the way and started to listen, I found myself on a journey to figure out what happened and how I started drinking again after almost nine years sober. I came to the conclusion that "I believed the LIE!" Can can you relate to any of this?