Been doing so well. Relapsed as of today. Three shots

Been doing so well. Relapsed as of today. Three shots is three too many. Instant guilt but it almost feels good just to cry about it. I think I'm in the clear and then sadness and temptation kick in. I've never wanted to stop drinking as soon I started before. I feel that right now. I know this doesn't help, so why do I turn to it?

It's your addiction rearing it's ugly head. One day everything is going great and the next day there's a glass in your hand. You know it's wrong to do but you do it anyways, this is common in alcoholics and addicts. We lived a life of lies and using to cover up internal problems. Get back on the right path, reach out for help and trust God. You can overcome this challenge and you can cone back stronger than ever. You just have to want it for yourself and do the footwork

Relapse always starts in the mind. You are already drinking before you actually drink. That's why when something triggers something in your mind, it's important to call a sober friend or hit a meeting if you are in a program.

First, give yourself props - you are being honest with yourself (and the world). That's a huge plus!

We all slip, yes, even three, four, ten times. Try not to be hard on yourself (I know, easier said than done), but even us internet people are rooting for you!

The medical field classifies alcoholism and addiction as a disease with no cure but is treatable. I never believed this until this last go round. This is the longest ive been sober after 25 years of addiction/alcoholism. Nothing worked until I went to a meeting. Having a higher power in combination with the 12 steps. It works. I've tried everything else. That's my 2 cents. Give it a try and if for some reason you end up at a meeting that you don't like don't give up try other ones. There is a reason it's been around for as long as it has and also why medical professionals suggest it. It works. Don't give up regardless. Keep it simple one step in front of the other. When or if you go get a phone list and reach out any time you have that thought. This is a great community also. You're doing the right thing by reaching out!

Sadness is only really only temporary. The clouds lift and the sun comes out. I have never been too much of a drinker but I can definitely relate to trying to stay sober from other thing. If the temptation becomes to great try going to a aa meeting. If you can stay sober for a day that is a major miracle for the alcoholic. Then everyday become that much more easier to abstain. This is also an amazing place to express any fears concerning you much wanted sobriety. I can tell your sincere. Kudos to you for reaching out. On day at a time🤞