Been cleaning my butt off the past two days. I

Been cleaning my butt off the past two days. I couldn’t keep up with my housework when I was in active addiction. This feels nice. My house is clean and smells so good! Sobriety is awesome!


That's a great move to make, I loved being around cleanliness and still do now that I've stayed sober. It shows you how much you're really capable of :heart::heart::heart:


I light my candles before cleaning? Do you?


I have wax burners in every room in my house


I have those, too, in my bathroom, master bedroom, and living room. I love Scentsy. Where do you buy yours?

I read that very wrong, and wondered what you got on your butt that took 2 days to get off.

Lol I am finally relaxing!

I've been doing the same! There are things that I had put off for months that finally seem achievable and I've slowly been knocking them out.

I couldn’t keep up when I was in active addiction. My house was always a mess. I was so embarrassed when people came over. Now after deep cleaning I can do a little each day and be fine.