Been clean over 11 years feeling like I’m starting to

Been clean over 11 years feeling like I’m starting to struggle again and my bf just went to detox. Any words of wisdom?

Umm, get your butt to 2 meetings. Al anon being the second.

My ex wife is in recovery and her new fiancé is in detox too. I made the same suggestions to her.

I haven’t been to alanon in a really long time do you think it would really help?

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It can not hurt. Do you remember getting sober or clean? Miserable. I don’t think I could do it again. So I know what I have to do.

Yea I remember getting clean it was terrible

Watch that Demi Lovato YouTube series. She was clean and sober 6 years. On her first night of relapse she did meth, coke, booze, and within a week she was smoking crack snd heroin along with getting shitfaced every chance she got.

Your addiction has been laying in wait for the day you go back out. You’ll be back to your worst day ever in no time. That’s how it works. That’s why I’m on team no fucking way.

Watching now.... 22 years clean. Team no fucking way!

Wow I’m gonna watch