Been clean from IV use for 8 years and o

Been clean from IV use for 8 years and off all pill opiates for 5 years. Recently started MAT for alcoholism and instantly started craving h again. Help!

What's MAT?

Do. Not. Do. It. Dear God, don't. I am not clean or sober but I'd give all my limbs to have never touched h or any opiates. I got sober in my early 20s. Relapsed at 9 years. Wish so much I never did. I hadn't gotten into drugs yet the first time I got sober. Alcohol was my drug of choice. Now I'm shackled by drugs too. IV user too. I used to be a clean cut professor! All that's fine now. It ain't worth it. Not all all. I'd give anything to trade places with you.

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Correction: all that IS NOT "fine" now. It's supposed to say gone. All that's gone now.

Hey there Kayleigh. My name is John and I'm a former IV drug user, blackout drunk and petty thief. I'm 3 years, 4 months and 29 days clean and sober. Have you ever been to an NA meeting? Hit me up and I will introduce you to cool female recovering addicts from New York and New Jersey? Thanks and I sincerely hope that you're doing OK.

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Thanks John. I tried NA a long time ago, but it was at the behest of a co-dependant abusive partner. I'm interested in finding some sort of group, particularly with 20 or 30 something year old women, but I'm in Colorado. Thanks for reaching out! I went to the exchange the other day to get narcan and test strips in case I did end up using, and the volunteers there set me up with a suboxone program to prevent relapse because I was obviously in a pretty bad state. I've managed to stave off using for the past week and start my new meds tomorrow. I'm exited and nervous but the volunteers at the exchange really renewed my faith in humanity. I'm excited for a new chapter.

Thank you for your advice, I'm in academics to and I'm sick if struggling to make ends meat. I replaced heroine with school, which was great for an OCD person like me, but COVID took away my new drug and I feel like all my professional progress has been reset to ground zero. I even made better grades when I was using. At least I have a family now and that's something I didn't have before.