Been abusing alcohol for 11 years and finally decided to

Been abusing alcohol for 11 years and finally decided to put an end to the madness. Drugs got involved and moderation wasn’t working. It was time to give it up completely. I’m ready and I want to.

I’m 10 days sober and I know it’s going to be a long road ahead. My family is 100% supportive (which I am so grateful for) but I am a bit concerned when it comes to my friends. Yes they care about me and want what’s best but I feel like they won’t fully understand why I’m choosing to do this. There’s a lot of behind the scenes issues that they don’t see. Anyone have any tips or advice for telling friends about getting sober? I’m dreading all the inevitable “why/why now??” questions. Feel very vulnerable when bringing it up.

This is all new to me so any/all advice is greatly appreciated!

I just tell people i no longer drink. If they push or pressure you that's their issue. Remember you are enough. No alcohol or poison needed for you to be around your true friends. Hugs

I would be honest. Tell them it was beginning to control you instead of you controlling it. They don’t live in a bubble and have seen it. What I find is that I am treated with kid gloves by a good friend of mine that drinks way to much to. I just have to remember that this is about me not him. Hope this helps.

It can feel exhausting imagining those conversations. I made it more complicated inside my head for a while before I realized there doesn't need to be a long, elaborate explanation (unless you want to offer that, of course). I just left it as simple as statements like these:

"Alcohol and my brain don't mesh well."
"I'm just over it."
"I don't have a healthy relationship with alcohol."
"I needed to make some changes in my life, and alcohol was one of them."

You don't owe anyone more than that, but if you feel inclined to go deeper then you absolutely should. The people in my life know that I battle with depression so I think that's why no one has really questioned my decision. Sometimes they'll still offer it just out of habit, but they don't mean any disrespect. I hope your friends are just as supportive of you when you feel comfortable talking to them about it.