Bday talk

Welp it’s my bday. Somehow I’m still sober. It’s day 26. I’m feeling meh. Mostly I’m annoyed how I’m trying to date and honestly I think I just need to date someone sober. People that drink normally don’t get it people that claim they don’t drink but are not recovering don’t get it the only person that’s really going to get it is someone that’s been where I’ve been. So that’s news SMH I hope everybody’s doing well.


Happy birthday Mila!

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How are you today

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Happy birthday hope everything goes as you planned it

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Happy birthday! :gift::balloon::tada:

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Mila! Happy birthday! Sobriety is the best! My Advice is not date for the first year. The longer you have of sobriety the more clarity and better understanding of who you are and what it is you want out of your relationships. I can tell you that I was told this early on in sobriety. I didn’t listen and cause heartache both from me and to me. Today I can say that my loneliness emotions don’t win! I’m at peace with myself. I’m learning to just be with me. And now I can honestly say I know what I’m looking for so I’m not wasting their time nor my time. Get clarity of who you are in sobriety. There will be a big paradigm shift after a year. It did for me. I’m now attracting rather then chasing. Have a blissful day filled with love and peace within my sober friend.


Happy Birthday! At least sober you can enjoy and remember the day! So many holidays I had are fogs of memories because of drinking. The right person will come along, don't rush anything. I hope your day is great. Every day is a gift, each one sober, even more so.


Happy birthday! Proud of you!

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Yeah it’s really hard to date someone that drinks.I’ve tried a couple times but it never works out

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Happy birthday


Happy Birthday!

May I suggest not dating until you've worked all the steps with a sponsor?


Your absolutely right you will not get positive feedback from someone that’s not in the program. Sadly last I heard around 4% off the people that go threw treatment stay sober. You have to want it for yourself. Ya can’t do it for someone else. Good luck!


You can suggest it but I probably won’t do it. I’m trying to establish a social circle in a new city otherwise I think I’m gonna end up looking for geographical happiness and moving for the fifth time in two years. That being said I am working to find a good sponsor

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Happy Bday


Please read the Big Book. Geographical moves don't work.

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I know. I’ve done it enough to know it doesn’t

Zoom Meetings help me! And as far as dating well…. It’s difficult to find a recovering partner because most of us need to work on ourselves and not get into fast relationships. But zoom and actually going to different locations possibly some sober parties hosted on the app. Good luck!

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Happy birthday

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I am dating a sober person. You are correct on that. Best of luck.

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