Battling PTSD

Hey yall. I’ve been sober for 6 months now and even before the stuff I already had severe PTSD that causes me very bad depression and anxiety. Some days are good but some days are really bad. Today’s one of those days. I’m just so bored and overwhelmed by running my business. What is a good way to distract myself so I don’t just sit around being bored and feeling like I’m going to have a stroke from anxiety. If someone wants to add me and just talk I’d really appreciate it.

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I'm a country guy at heat so for me hiking or fishing would be ideal. If I can do that I love going to the range for some ballistic therapy. Find something that can take u our mind off of the world around you, and remove you from your daily environment. It helps.

Yeah I love hunting and fishing but my depression makes it so that I barely want to get out of bed and the only reason I do is to run my trucking company so I really wish I could get the energy to go to the range. especially because I just bought a tommy gun that I believe was used in Vietnam I also live in Kennesaw, GA where it’s a law that you have to own a firearm so I’ve always loved shooting but again can’t find the motivation

I know it is harder with ptsd and depression, but some days you have to force yourself to move. I have been there. I know it never really goes away but you will learn to control it as best you can.

You need to find a way to meet to associate yourself with friends so you can do extra activities together. It will really help a lot

A little after 6 months I got some relief, But with COVID have some issues,but dealing with them.