Battling guilt

Battling guilt has become a bigger and bigger challenge for me. I am 8 months sober and some of the initial struggles are subsiding but the immense guilt I have for mistakes, pain and time lost just keeps growing. I feel guilty even to rest and I'm on disability because for nerve damage in my feet after my transplant surgery and can't work bc even part-time messes that up until I know what to do about that ... everything just keeps mounting back up when I reach another goal.

Is anyone else experiencing something similar? And how do you handle not getting overwhelmed constantly?

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I spent quite a bit of my life feeling overwhelmed. It's detrimental for sure. It took a lot of practice for me to combat being overwhelmed. First, I had to accept I cannot do everything at the same time. For example I was studying Spanish, coding, and trying to improve my Excel skills. I decided to focus on one goal at a time instead of trying to perfect 3 skills simultaneously. I took days for myself that involved me leaving home without my cell phone. I stay unreachable to others because there's nothing I can't do that no one else can. I've accented that I can't pour from an empty cup so I have to take care of me.

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I wanted to say that I really can relate to your situation. The guilt from the past can be overwhelming. All that wreckage and trauma from the past has been stored away in a chest tucked under the blanket of addictions. After being sober for a bit you become more willing to uncover that chest with all that stuff in it. Suddenly all of these emotions, memories and pain come flooding back into your present sober life and it is hard to face head on. But that is what you do is face each obstacle head on, one at a time. Starting with the very small ones first, building momentum to handle the bigger ones. You are doing fantastic and are exactly where you need to be. :grin::+1:


Self-love guided meditations. Recognize that you created things to feel guilty about when you were drinking to have more reasons to keep drinking (at least for me). That was your addiction, not you. Remind yourself you are worthy of good things. Let others love you until you can. Great job on 8 months. I can’t wait for that day!

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