Battling depression,over my ex gf..She dumps me,still comments my p

Battling depression,over my ex gf..She dumps me,still comments my post on FB,Ig..
Making my heart crumble..

I agree blocker and just keep on working on your sobriety it's more important than anything else right now

To repeat blocking is a beautiful thing. And unless you got kids with her she don't even have to exist as far as you know.

Delete the person. Anyone that brings negativity into your life, is not worth keeping around. Simple solution.

Delete her man, went through the same thing and put myself through hell just to stay friends. Might be okay for her but in oder to move on you got to let them go as hard as it is. The day she decided to delete me finally was my day of freedom lol

Ugh I’m sorry Roger. Been in that type of situation before, its tough. Best thing you can do is go no contact for at least 30 days (treat her like you would a drug)