Back to day 1 hopefully this time will stick

Back to day 1 hopefully this time will stick.


I’m not far behind you. Day 2 (I actually caved and had one beer this evening but I don’t count that tbh). I’ve been trying and failing for God knows how many years now… at this point I’m worried what it’ll take… a really bad accident or health issue? Let me know if you’d like to chat when your having a rough day.

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I most definitely could use a sober buddy when going through a rough patch, yeah I got a health conditions as well can't afford it especially for my 3 kids... But i got T2D

Hi ladies! I’m under a week again as well. I haven’t started going to AA yet, I know some meetings are starting to open locally. Alicia it looks like you aren’t that far from me, have you been? I would like to add both of you as friends if that’s ok, it seems we are all in pretty much the same starting point, I don’t really have any sober buddies!

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Going to a bbq with AA people this coming wknd with my sis... But is not local to where I live and yes you can add me.

Stuff happens. This is a tough thing to do. Just remember why you want sobriety and a slip is not the end of the world. It can be a reminder of why we are trying to get better and why we go to meetings. You got this.

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I'm glad you got up. :relaxed:

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Welcome home. Recommend 90n90. Connect with the ladies. Keep coming back

Thank you needed to hear that.