Back in treatment. Detoxing 😞

Back in treatment. Detoxing :disappointed:

Any encouraging words would help


One minute- one hour- one day at one time. You’re in a safe place, it’s a good start!


Good luck! Husband is in hospital now doing the same and is already talking about drinking….


You can do this. You got this. My sober date was feb 24th then went out for my birthday in june and went downhill from there. Today is day 2 clean. We can do this



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You can do it!!!

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Thanks for all your encouragement

I really mean it

Love y’all

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Good for you and I feel your pain. Just got done with an opiate detox myself. Regardless of the substance, detoxing is fucking rough.

Happy for you and stay string/smart

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Hang in there Nick. You are taking the first step. That's amazing

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Been there, done that. It sounds like you're off to another beginning. I don't know what took you out last time but try to think about what you've learned from it. When most of us go back out out what we have done is believed the big lie; that this time everything will be okay. But it never is, is it?

I can't tell you how many times I've had to check into a treatment center or a detox center. Just take things a day at a time and be glad that you are not locked up somewhere. You can do this Nick but you have to want this more than anything in the world. I've been sober a long time and I have to tell you that I have a lot to be thankful for because of sobriety. Sobriety is most definitely the easier softer way but like the Marines,

It is Earned
Never Given!

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Any friend inn AA can help
reach out

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Good luck brother

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I really do hope you have stopped digging and this is your last treatment center. This could be your last chance ever at sobriety. The first day of the rest of your life. Embrace the opportunity you have through the Powers that be above you and I. :pray:t2:

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Relapse is part of recovery at least you know you need to give you help and went back to treatment I've been there several times

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Just keep your head up and look up to your higher power whoever that might be

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Thanks brothers and sisters. Every thought and suggestions help. And the love

They let me have my phone which is extremely helpful talking to my sober buddies