Awake very early this morning. I had a hard time

Awake very early this morning. I had a hard time sleeping last night.

It was hard for me to get sleep for the first few months. Cold sweats and enough anxiety to drive most crazy. It goes away. Your brain wants what you’re not giving it. I tried melatonin for a while. It worked for a few hours and then I’d wake up with the same feeling. Find a show to binge on? Go to the library and get some books? Keep the mind occupied. Your hard work will pay off. Smiling without the assistance of a chemical feels amazing. You can do it!

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Thank you! I am 5 months and 26 days clean and sober. It doesn’t happen all the time anymore. Shouldn’t I be getting back to normal by now? In the beginning it happened every night. I am glad that is over. But you would think I should be adjusted by now.

I’m 16 months along and still have issues sleeping. Depression and anxiety are real. My sleeping issues aren’t necessarily related to the booze anymore in my opinion. I have other things in my life that have done that for me. Things that I would easily erased with a bottle of booze and fell asleep like a champ too. But with our “new brains” (that’s what I call it lol), we actually have to figure out how to deal with problems. Hell, when I get sick now I actually have to try and diagnose it... before I would assume i felt like crap because the booze I drank yesterday. So what would I do? Drink more booze. Diagnosing actual problems and anxieties and addressing them is a little more difficult than numbing it down and hitting the fast forward button. But it feels really good when you do tackle the problem 1 on 1 and check it off the list. Not sure if that’s helpful but great job on the (almost) 6 months. You should reward yourself. 6 months is a big deal!

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Thank you! Yes I am very proud of myself. I keep telling myself I have almost made it to the half a year mark. It’s very exciting to me. Congratulations to you too! I can’t wait to get a year under my belt. 6 months seems so small compared to a year. I am also dealing with bipolar and trauma. I buried the trauma under every kind of substance I could get my hands on. It’s all coming out now.

Thank you! If you don’t have a support system, get one. Family members, friends, meetings... somebody. Or the people here! Somebody you can tell or ask anything. It helps tremendously to get that stuff off your chest and address it. Im terrible at asking for help which is why I’m here. People to talk to! You’re not in it alone. Plan something for that 6 months. You deserve it!

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