Available help to you.I just wanted to put this out

Available help to you.
I just wanted to put this out there because I know many of us don't realize the help that is available to us.
In the US addiction is a serious medical condition. Legally speaking. You can get approved for time off of work to participate in a recovery program. Your medical provider should have a program available. And will keep this confidential. You are even entitled paid time off. You need to take the proper steps though. It starts with you seeking help through your medical provider. You must be honest with them about your problem. And tell them what you need. They readily offered me two weeks off at first. I did not use any substances during my program. But needed more time. I convinced them. And they approved it. If you use during the program they can kick you out. Then you're on your own. But stick to it and these people will help you.