Atheist and can’t stomach aa meetings (after approximately 30 years)

Atheism is integral to my recovery. 12-step meetings won’t allow my truth. And no I’m not spiritual, either.


I relate

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Find something that works. Be careful that your atheism doesn’t protect your addiction so fiercely that you never get sober.

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Heal thyself then

Check out BeyondBeliefSobreity. They have a podcast and website

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Oh - didn’t know it’s a Bible based sobriety. Was assuming secular.

Yeah, it’s secular


I thinking earlier this morning about how it’s the idea and belief in these ideas that create enough of a mental shift in ones way of thinking that creates drastic change. When I can into the rooms, I had no desire to try to fit myself into another religious program. I’d just tried to many times already with no real results to have ANY faith that it would different. I was desperate enough to try anything. Anything but that. What happened was the idea that the group as a whole, the program per se, was a power greater than me by myself became a true statement to me. Somehow, maybe providence, maybe evolution, my mind shifted to believe in something greater than me and I got sober. I still believe that the group/program is way bigger than I will ever truly experience or understand and that part of that is how people from many different spiritual and non spiritual beliefs and get and stay sober. It keeps me curious enough to keep being open minded. And I never know when someone needs to hear my current perspective because it was someone else’s current perspective, at that time, that I heard that set me on my way to hope. I don’t think there is a wrong or right answer for me. Just what’s currently right in front of my face, and as long as I remain open to learn and grow, despite my misgivings and strong opposition to give up my egomaniac ideas of how I’m right and everyone else is wrong then it seems that I continue to stay sober. Good luck to ya.


Hi there,
I understand about AA.
They didn't allow me to speak on my truth either. In fact, some people there became hostile. Very disappointing, but It's up to me, and I choose recovery. Just like most things in my life I had to do it all myself, but with the help of God.

Id and ego. Higher self.

I hope this helps.